To provide a place where high school students can foster their Catholic Identity while having fun and meeting like-mined peers. The leaders are committed to creating a solid community of teens through our enthusiasm, dedication, and understanding.
We provide opportunities to help our young people to recognize their leadership skills in order for them to assume responsibility for their programs.
Our goals are based on the themes and components outlined in the U.S. Bishops' 1997 document, Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. In implementing these goals, we developed the following aspects, which will be the foundation of our ministerial life: 1) Community life, 2) Spiritual life/Catechetical life, 3) Prayer & Worship, 4) Leadership, and 5) Social Justice and Service.
We share opportunities for teens to experience the value of community life and provide our youth with a caring space and an experience of belongingness and trust.
We provide our youth with opportunities to understand their faith and encourage them to apply it in their day-to-day life. These opportunities include bible sharing and faith sharing. We also participate in dioscese youth retreats.
Primo joined St. Joseph of Cupertino as Youth Minister in 2007, after re-locating from Los Angeles. He is passionate about the faith and founded Meant 4 More apparel to spread the message that all of our lives have a profound meaning. Youth ministry adopted the Meant 4 More name in 2010.
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Andy is a graduate of St. Joseph of Cupertino youth ministry, class of 2009. After obtaining his B.A. from UC Santa Cruz, Andy opened his own company, MealPro and returned to youth ministry as a volunteer. In September 2016, he became the Assistant Youth Minister.
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